Prayer and Thanksgiving

Introduction: What does anxiety have to do with Thanksgiving? Can we be worried and Thankful at the same time? Does “Prayerfulness and Thankfulness” go together? But how? The secret to this union is found in the fourth chapter of the letter to the Church of Philippi.
“Be careful for nothing.”
The word “careful” is μεριμνάω, which means distracted, anxious or care for. Are you feeling distracted? Worried? Anxious? The definition of anxiety can include nervousness or unease. Do you feel nervous? What can you do?
“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
First, pray. Second, pray in faith. Third, pray telling God your needs. Fourth, pray with Thanksgiving because our Lord knows all about us. Fifth, thank Him for His PEACE because you cannot explain it!
Conclusion: What an important message in the Bible! It is the cure for care. Prayer with Thanksgiving is a cure for care!
Wow. Let’s pray.