Hold the Line

1 Corinthians 15:58

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” 

Introduction: In order to stay healthy physically, it is very important to take B vitamins. Likewise, in order to stay healthy spiritually, we need to take some B Vitamins. After thoroughly discussing the resurrection of Jesus Christ {past, present and future}, Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, encourages the Corinthian believers and us today to take (3) B Vitamins in order to HOLD the LINE!

1. Be SETTLED DOWN! (1 Cor 15:58)

“Be steadfast” {The word “steadfast” is hedrahyos, which means settled down.}

    • “Settled down” in your past (Regeneration)

    • “Settled down” in your present (Sanctification)

    • “Settled down” in your future (Glorification)

2. Be FIRMLY FIXED! (1 Cor 15:58)

“Unmovable” {The word “unmovable” is ametakinaytos, which means, unmoved, firmly persistent.}

     • Firmly Fixed – when you’re under attack from the Infernal enemy

     • Firmly Fixed – when you’re under attack from the internal enemy 

     • Firmly Fixed – when you’re under attack from the external enemy 

3. Be RUNNING OVER! (1 Cor 15:58)

“Always abounding in the world of the Lord” {The word “abounding” is perissyooo, which means to abound, overflow.}

      • Running over in your Prayer life

      • Running over by sharing your faith in Jesus 

      • Running over by exercising your spiritual gifts  

Conclusion: Staying healthy as a CHRISTian should be a top priority. Considering the battles we all go thru, taking Holy Spirit (B) Vitamins – BE SETTLED, BE FIRM, and BE RUNNING OVER, is what doctor Jesus orders!

Hold the Line!
Love y’all, 
Dr. Randy Reese