Triumphant in Christ

Introduction: As a Christian, do you need encouragement? Try reading this passage while letting its truth sink in! Take a moment out of your busyness to build up your spiritual batteries. If these verses do not recharge your heart, something is wrong.
Writing to the Church of Colossae under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, the deity of Jesus Christ was on the forefront. Why? Because of the misinformation—false teaching—which had infiltrated the Church. However, as a skilled soldier of the cross, the flaming missionary Paul, who was incarcerated at the time, totally debunks the false teaching.
The Bible teaches that every human is born with a sin nature (Rom 5:12). Yet, at the same time, a sinner who is born “dead in trespasses and sin” (Eph. 2:1-4), he or she can be “quickened together” with Jesus. By the way, the word “quickened” is συζωοποιέω, which literally means to make alive. That is, once regenerated or quickened by the Holy Spirit, an exchange takes place. He comes inside of the believer to bring life to the one who was spiritually dead.
What does the word “blotting out” indicate? The word is ἐξαλείφω, and it means to wipe out or to blot out. It can mean to erase or even to obliterate.
Do you get the picture? Through the cross of Christ, including His cleansing blood, the believer’s sins are wiped away, removed, forgotten, forgiven, released, blotted out. Think about it. All the sins that you have ever committed are erased in the eyes of the God of the Bible.
3. Once was dominated by satanic influences but now overcomers through Jesus Christ! (Col 2:15) – “And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.”
The word “triumphing” is θριαμβεύω, which pictures One leading in triumphal procession. That One was Jesus Christ. Since He is victorious over the satanic influences, then we too can be overcomers in Him!
Conclusion: These threefold works of Jesus should both motivate us and cause us to evaluate the “gift” of knowing Him and letting Him be known. This is great news in a bad news world!