How to Grow Old and Wise

Introduction: How many of us want to GROW OLD & WISE? Notice: not rich and famous…the world promises us happiness, but leaves us empty! God promises a fulfilled – abundant – life along with eternal life….and keeps those promises. Speaking of “Wisdom” {Greek word sophia, means cautious, discreet, thoughtful- Heb world chokmah}, it is a gift from God ( Prov 1:7; Prov 8; James 3:13-17). Simply put…..”Wisdom” is made to us thru a relationship with Jesus Christ (see 1 Cor 1:30, 31), which includes allowing His Word to “guide us,” and His Spirit to “lead us.” If we’re going to “GROW OLD & WISE,” then we need to learn the (2) ways David mentions in this verse of Scripture.
1. If we are going to GROW OLD & WISE, then we’ve got to turn our TESTS of FAITH into TESTIMONIES of FAITH! (Psa 37:25)
“I have not seen the righteous forsaken”
[The word “Righteous” is Tzad deck, which means one who defends what is right]
• Tests Turned into Turning Points
• Turning Points Turned into Testimonies
Have you gone thru a lot in your lifetime? Has our Lord been faithful? See how our Lord has built CHARACTER thru the tests!
2. If we are going to “GROW OLD & WISE,” then we’ve got to be able to control (handle) a lot of CHANGES in LIFE! (Psa 37:25)
” I have been young, and now I’m old.”
• Some things UNDER our control {like our priorities}
• Some things OUT of our control {like people}
saved us,
is with us,
empowers us,
cleanses us,
restores us,
accepts us,
justifies us,
and who is coming back for us!
Love y’all,