Too Blessed to be Depressed

- 40% of the things we WORRY about never happen….that’s almost half!
- only 8% are legitimate concerns.
***NEWSFLASH*** Doctor JESUS has a cure! Paul explains…
1. Why be WORRIED with CARE, when we can be blessed with PRAYER? (Phil 4:6, 7)
- Definition of worry: mental disorder
- Low grade fever
- Pulling apart of the mind
- Dividing the mind
- 1 in 8 Americans (probably more now after the last few months with Covid-19), between the ages of 18 yrs old and 63 yrs old, are plagued with ANXIETY
- #1 Health issue with 65 yrs and older
Conclusion: Worry is a person with a bended head, caring a load of feathers, but thinks it’s lead. Why pray when you can worry? Or better yet, why worry when you can pray?
One lady named Betty Phillips used to tell me in jest, “I’m worried”! While asking why, she would respond, “I’m WORRIED that I’m not WORRIED”!
You ask, so how does this biblical principle work?
Simply put, when we take our eyes off our seemingly insurmountable problems, i.e, cares and worries, which cause anxieties, and instead talk to God, our focus becomes how big and mighty He is in comparison to our situation or feelings. Consequently, our trust in Him releases a state of rest (a guard around our hearts and minds), something we can’t explain.
So rather than WORRY with CARE, we can be blessed with PRAYER, and instead of being depressed, we can experience our Lord’s PEACE and sweet REST.