Scarecrow CHRISTianity

Introduction: Have you ever seen a scare crow? What did you think? Did it scare you? Actually it is a fake version of a human being. The purpose of a scarecrow is to scare animals off one’s garden or crops.

Does it work? Do the animals get used to it? Usually if it is left out long enough, some of the smarter animals or (dumber), according to which way you look at it, will figure it out.

Jeremiah writes concerning this matter: “They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go” (Jer 10:5).

One other translation puts it this way: “They are like scarecrows in a cucumber field; They cannot speak; They have to be carried, Because they cannot walk! Do not be afraid of them, For they can do no harm or evil, Nor can they do any good.”

The Hebrew word is תֹּמֶר: (to’-mer), which means palm tree, or a post. He is talking about idols the heathen build (ex. totem poles). Of course, today we have more sophisticated idols. But in the end they cannot help us!

Jesus Christ should not be substituted for idols of this world. 

Do you have any idols?

Conclusion: Just like a scarecrow is fake and cannot talk, CHRISTians can build their idols (scarecrows), which are not real (fantasy world). Ultimately, they will fail, but Jesus will never fail!

Love y’all,
Pastor Randy Reese