Serving the Lord since 1874
“…that this may be a sign among you when your children ask in time to come, saying, ‘What do these stones mean to you?’ 7 Then you shall answer them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord; when it crossed over the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. And these stones shall be for a memorial to the children of Israel forever.” (Joshua 4:6-7)
New Rocky Creek Baptist Church was established in Jasper County, Georgia in 1874. On April 15, 1874, the membership of New Rocky Creek Baptist Church voted to accept the land and building donated by James Cornelius Aaron as a temporary meeting place. On October 16, 1875, the church voted to move permanently to this location.
Reverend William Harris Aaron, brother of James Cornelius, was the first pastor until his death on September 3, 1892. After tracing the history of the church, it does not appear that the church was a split off of an Old Rocky Creek. There was however, an Old Rocky Creek, located a few miles away, which burned down in the early 1900’s, probably due to lightning according to those who lived in the community. New Rocky Creek obtained electricity in 1945, and did not have central heat and air until the late 1970’s. Until that time, the church only met on Sunday mornings from spring until winter.

Numerous changes have taken place since the church’s origin. According to the
church records, there have been seventeen different pastors to serve the church since 1943. In 1982, the church purchased an additional 3.1 acres and in 1986, another 7 acres. An educational building was added in 1985 and in 1989, the church was remodeled to include a baptismal pool, steeple, and paved parking lot.

The present pastor, Dr. Randal Reese, is the first full-time pastor. He was called in 1991. Under his leadership, New Rocky Creek has added an all-purpose building, a family life center, and five additional acres of land.

The Family Life Center was finished debt-free in 2009, and serves as the meeting place for the AWANA Children’s Ministry and AXIS Youth Ministry. This building also fills a need for special ministry events such as churchwide Bible studies, family nights, movie nights and other outreach opportunities
. The facility includes a large restroom equipped with two toilets, three sinks and two showers to serve as temporary housing for those in immediate need. It is also used to host ministers and musicians who travel from out of town to minister at special events such as NRC’s Annual Old Tyme Indoor Camp Meeting held during the month of April.

An additional five acres of land were purchased in 2009, bringing the total campus size of New Rocky Creek to seventeen acres. This addition of land has enabled the church to host large outdoor tent events in an effort to reach the surrounding community.
As in the days of Acts, the Lord is adding to His Church daily such as should be saved.