Jan '25

What a Prayer for Others
Jan '25

Introduction: What a model prayer Paul had for the believers in Philippi. Are you praying daily for others? What should you pray? The devotion today should be a blessing to its readers.
Please notice the direction as well as elements in this prayer.
1. Pray for Overflowing LOVE! (Phil. 1:9) – “And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment.”
The word “abound” is περισσεύω, which means to be in abundance or to overflow. It can mean to excel. Is the love of Christ living in your heart for others?
2. Pray for Spiritual Knowledge Along with DISCERNMENT! (Phil. 1:9) – “And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment.”
Do you know what this word “knowledge” means? Is he talking about head knowledge? The word is ἐπίγνωσις. It means full spiritual knowledge. It can refer to discernment. Next, look at the word “judgment.” It does not mean criticism; instead, it is the word αἴσθησις, which means perception, discernment, or even insight. In other words, if we have a full and experiential knowledge of Jesus Christ, then as believers we can exercise discernment without being critical. Are you a critical person?
3. Pray for CHARACTER! (Phil. 1:10) – “That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ.”
What does “approve” mean? It is the word δοκιμάζω. The word reveals to test or to prove. Furthermore, it can have to do with examining. Actually, this word was used in testing metals and coins. Why? The answer is to see if they were real and met certain standards. In addition, the word “excellent” means to excel, or to be better, and it can mean to surpass. When you have been tested, do you pass the test with approval?
4. Pray for WISDOM to Avoid Being an Offense! (Phil. 1:10) – “That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ.”
The word “offense” is ἀπρόσκοπος, which does not mean faultless but blameless. It literally describes not causing someone to stumble. Besides that, it speaks of being free from hurt or harm. Wow! That encompasses quite a bit! Now granted, if you are teaching or preaching from the Bible, it is going to be offensive to some. However, this passage seems to be more directed to what we say and do. Have you ever been an offense unintentionally? Probably so, since we are mere human beings, although redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ.
Conclusion: What a beautiful prayer to pray! Besides love, pray for discernment and understanding. Certainly, do not forget to pray for wisdom. And when all is said and done, give God the glory!
Love y’all,
Pastor Randy Reese