Jan '25

Triumphant Trust Through Troubles and Trials
Jan '25

Introduction: What do you do when you’re going through TROUBLES & TRIALS? Remember the song? “We will understand it better by and by.” Nahum understands. Over 100 years has passed since Jonah preached in Nineveh, which resulted in a mighty, national revival (Do it again, Lord!); However, Judah (the Southern Kingdom) still paid tribute to the cruel & merciless Assyrians -Nineveh was its capital. Where is God? Why would He allow this? Heard that before?
Nahum reminds us that there are at least three ways to TRIUMPH when you’re going through TROUBLES & TRIALS:
1. Remember when life isn’t always good, GOD is always good! (Nahum 1:7) – ” The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.”
• The devil’s bad
• God’s good
2. Remember when your going through a STORM you can SEEK a SHELTER! (Nahum 1:7) – ” The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.”
• Face your fears
• Seek a Shelter
3. Remember when you are in need of HOPE & HELP, you can find FAITH in the FATHER! (Nahum 1:7) – ” …. and he knoweth them that trust in him.”
• He knows our name
• He made our frame
• He made our frame
Conclusion: God reminds Nahum whose name means comfort that the so-called impenetrable fortress of Nineveh (the walls of the city measured 7-1/2 miles in circumference; they were 100 ft. high and wide enough for 3 chariots to drive on) would come to a screeching halt. Their doom was deserved! In our day, when in seems like the wicked prosper and the righteous suffer, one look at this book assures believers that there’s coming a PAY DAY SOMEDAY!
But until then, keep fighting the good fight of faith.
Love y’all,
Pastor Randy Reese